Upbound Resource Roundup: November 2023

November 29, 2023


Read time: 2 mins


Welcome to the latest Upbound Resource Roundup! Last month, we delved into a spectrum of tailored solutions. This month, we’re going to dive into a few more that will help you streamline platform team operations with Upbound's versatile capabilities powered by Crossplane. Here are some resources that can help you stay ahead in the ever-changing cloud-native landscape and achieve cloud native excellence.

New Resources From Upbound

Upbound Announces New Crossplane Reference Implementation for CNOE – Upbound announced a practical application of Crossplane's capabilities through a new reference implementation for Cloud Native Operational Excellence (CNOE)! Now, you can start spinning up more resources within this powerful stack, customizing it to fit your specific needs.

K8s Is Not the Platform – Or Is It and We All Misunderstood? – Stefan Schimanski, a long-time Kubernetes expert, takes a look at Kubernetes and Crossplane as the core of a developer platform beyond container orchestration.

AI Made Easy: Your Guide to Fast and Reliable AI/ML Workload Deployment – The AI and ML landscape of software, tools, and techniques is growing larger by the hour. Let’s take a look at how you can build a platform to get ahead in the AI/ML race.

New from Upbound: Dashboard Filtering & Control Plane Explorer Flow Enhancements – See new enhancements in the Upbound Console to share – from improvements to the user flow in the control plane explorer, to new filtering functionality in the control plane dashboard, to linked references in the resource details view to support debugging.

Crossplane Highlights

Crossplane 1.14 is here – This month, the latest version of the Crossplane open source control plane framework was released. It is packed full of big features that will make Platform Engineers more productive and effective in building control planes to power their infrastructure.

Design Compositions For Your Organizational Needs With Crossplane – This article is for curious individuals with specific requirements for building and operating cloud infrastructure efficiently along corporate guidelines, governance, security, and the breadth of systems that can be configured and resource lifecycle managed with Crossplane.

Platform Building with Crossplane: Your Questions Answered at Control Plane Day with Crossplane – A few months ago Crossplane hosted Control Plane Day with Crossplane event. The event was a smashing success with hundreds of attendees and some outstanding talks from both maintainers and users. Here are some answers to all of the most-asked questions from the event.

What’s Next?

Interested in seeing these updates in action? Our team is on standby to walk you through it! Request to have a live demo with them now.

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