Upbound Announces New Crossplane Reference Implementation for CNOE

November 28, 2023

Christopher Haar

Read time: 2 mins


Upbound announces a practical application of Crossplane's capabilities through a new reference implementation for Cloud Native Operational Excellence (CNOE). This example demonstrates how Crossplane, a powerful open source control plane, serves as a valuable starting point for organizations navigating the complexities of cloud-native development.

CNOE + Crossplane

CNOE, supported by industry leaders such as Adobe, AWS, Autodesk, Salesforce, and Twilio, aims to simplify developer tooling and guide informed technology choices. However, current tools for building Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) lack practicality, leaving organizations with the challenge of assembling components for effective cloud-native operational excellence.

Enter Crossplane, a robust open-source control plane created by Upbound and governed under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). This tailored example provides a seamless entry point for platform teams eager to initiate their IDP journey, showcasing Crossplane's potential in simplifying cloud-native operations.

Crossplane is a key component of CNOE, and with today’s announcement, engineers have an easy way to get started with best practices in building a control plane as the foundation of their IDPs.

Benefits Simplified

By highlighting this Crossplane configuration, organizations can explore the potential of Crossplane and the Upbound platform in a straightforward manner. Standardizing on Crossplane can help build a robust foundation for your cloud-native stack and accelerate the creation of IDPs. This is a practical illustration, inviting organizations to delve into the unique benefits and ease of use that Crossplane brings to the cloud-native operational landscape.

While this example is demonstrated with AWS, it's essential to note that it's designed as a starting point. Modifying basic configurations for Azure or Google Cloud is a small task with predefined configuration packages.

Hands-On Overview in 3 Steps

Ready to get started with Crossplane and CNOE? Follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Upbound Marketplace and search for platform-ref-aws-cnoe
  2. Install this configuration to your cluster with "Install Manifest"
  3. In just minutes, you'll have your first IDP up and running. This includes a Kubernetes Cluster with Network, ArgoCD, Backstage, and Keycloak as SSO.

Now, you can start spinning up more resources within this powerful stack, customizing it to fit your specific needs.

If you want to contribute to the project you can head over to platform-ref-aws-cnoe in GitHub.

Unlock the potential of Crossplane and kickstart your cloud-native journey today with Upbound!

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