Upbound Resource Roundup: May 2023

May 29, 2023


Read time: 2 mins


This month, we have some special things in store for you. We'll also be keeping you in the loop about cloud native events, industry trends, and must-know information. Get ready to embark on a personalized journey through the cloud, as we bring you the latest updates and keep you at the forefront of cloud native excellence.

New Resources From Upbound

O’Reilly Report: What is Crossplane? – Written by an early Crossplane maintainer, Nic, the report explores what a control plane is, and why he feels Crossplane is the best foundation on which to build yours. You’ll learn how engineering organizations that use control planes to manage their clouds enjoy increased safety and efficiency. Platform teams are removed from the critical path, and the engineers they support can focus on delivering exceptional products and services.

Portugal’s Largest Private-Sector Bank works with Upbound to Save Thousands of Hours a Year – This case study explores how Upbound's workflow allowed Millennium bcp to move from an SLA of eight days for project and dependencies setup to just-in-time provisioning, taking only a few minutes for full deployment of an app and dependencies to a new environment. It’s part of a larger effort to help those with a significant amount of Terraform modules in their infrastructure transition to a more efficient process with Crossplane, as shown by all of our resources created with Millennium bcp.

Why I joined Upbound: Democratizing Control Planes – Beyond Containers – As an individual who started working on Kubernetes very early on in 2015, before 1.0, Stefan Schimanski has become a significant leader in the Kubernetes space over the years. So why did he join Upbound? To him, there is a strong alignment of vision on the mission of democratizing control planes beyond containers. The opportunities ahead are huge. Upbound has formed an awesome team, and Stefan explains exactly why in this blog.

Argo CD and Crossplane for Managing the Whole Application Stack – Akuity collaborated with Upbound to streamline their infrastructure using Argo CD and Crossplane. This blog post will explore how Argo CD users can implement Crossplane to manage infrastructure resources beyond Kubernetes to simplify infrastructure management and create a clear sense of the dependencies for an application.

Wrapping Up KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Amsterdam & Looking Ahead – As the creators of the Crossplane project, we are always thrilled to see the enthusiasm and engagement from attendees at each KubeCon. We heard some common questions that folks asked during the week. Jared Watts and Christopher Haar, some names you might recognize from the Crossplane community, share answers in this blog.

What’s Next?

Want to try out Upbound for yourself? Enable SRE teams with a more efficient workflow and the building blocks of platform engineering by setting up your first cloud platform powered by Upbound’s managed control planes. Sign up for your 30 day free trial here!

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