Webinar: Kubernetes with Managed Services in 10 Minutes

September 7, 2020

Grant Gumina

Read time: 3 mins


In this webinar we show you how easy it is to lay the foundations of your own Kubernetes PaaS in just 10 minutes with Crossplane and Upbound Cloud.

Here are some highlights:

07:05 - Why enterprises are adopting cloud native, and so many of them are trying to build their own Kubernetes PaaS

11:45- How you can declare, instantiate, and run your own PaaS with Crossplane and Upbound Cloud

13:23 - What your Platform looks like using Crossplane YAML

15:06 - Defining “EKS with batteries included” using Crossplane’s Composition feature

20:13  Packaging up your Platform Configuration to Upbound Registry

26:42- Operating your Platform from Upbound Cloud

28:03 - Upbound Cloud team management

Why is this a big deal?

In order to adopt cloud native technologies and practices, many enterprises have chosen to build their own Kubernetes PaaS. Their motivated by reducing the costs of running applications in the cloud and increasing developer productivity.

This is because containers are cheaper and faster to run than VMs and microservices lend themselves well to modern Heroku-like development practices.

The fastest way to start your cloud native journey is by purchasing an off-the-shelf enterprise Kubernetes platform or vendor solution who specializes in deploying Kubernetes

Unfortunately, deploying Kubernetes this way is typically too constraining (can’t pick your own service mesh for example) or slow (changes need to be made by a third party). So while the solutions are enterprise ready, they’re not agile or customizable.

So that’s left enterprises with one choice; building their own Kubernetes PaaS which includes infrastructure configuration, policy automation, and abstraction for easy self service by app teams.

Typically this is a 1-3 year process with 5-10 SREs working full time on the problem, costing millions of dollars. Thankfully, Upbound can help you dramatically accelerate this effort using Crossplane and Upbound Cloud.

In 10 minutes, we can define “EKS with batteries included” in a Crossplane Platform Configuration, a single YAML repository which describes desired AWS networking setup and how your EKS clusters need to be configured with monitoring and service meshes upon creation.

Then we use our package manager to build the Platform Configuration and upload it to Upbound Registry where we can instantiate it inside of Upbound Cloud.

With Upbound Cloud, your PaaS comes to life. You get a single management interface into all the infrastructure defined in your Platform Configuration. You can see the status of the object inside of Crossplane as well as the actual EKS cluster health in AWS.

The best part is Upbound Cloud lets you take that infrastructure and put it inside of self service consoles for teams of your choosing to have access to. So when your app teams login to Upbound Cloud for the first time, they’re welcomed to what looks and feels like their very own personalized cloud console.

Now whenever one of the cloud service providers releases a new service, you can just update your Crossplane Platform Configuration, and enable access to the service in Upbound Cloud for the teams who need it. The new service automatically adheres to the policies you’ve previously defined. No more having to do a security audit, update policy handbooks, and train your teams how to use the services responsibly without running up the cloud bill.

If all of this sounds interesting to you, we’d love to talk. We’re hosting free PaaS consultations for organizations looking to learn how to better setup and configure their Kubernetes clusters running in the cloud. You can setup some time with us at info@upbound.io.

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